Thursday, October 15, 2009

A German brothel loves cyclists

A brothel in Berlin is offering cyclists and users of public transportation a 5-euro discount on services in hope of, um, stimulating business.

Now, I'm torn on this one. My North American feminist roots have a problem with any form of prostitution, because, as far as I know, it's seldom--if ever--a woman's choice to do such work. However, this article says that "prostitution is legal in Germany where 200,000 prostitutes and those working in registered brothels have the same labour rights as any other workers."

So, prostitutes in registered brothels have the same labour rights as welders or nurses? Wow. I don't know what to think of that. I think I'd have to talk to some of these workers directly to feel confident that they're happy in that line of work.

Anyway, none of this changes the fact that this brothel is giving cyclists some, um, love.

1 comment:

  1. I think prostitution is one of those things that most people kind of wish wouldn't happen, but it always has, and always will be, around. Just like with prohibiting drugs, once you prohibit a behaviour that people will never stop doing, you eliminate all your power to reduce the harms of that behaviour (you totally relinquish your control of it). I believe that is Germany's approach to prostitution: at least they have more control over underage prostitution and the rights of people working in the "industry".

    But anyhoo, yay for supporting cyclists!! :)
