Thursday, October 15, 2009

A German brothel loves cyclists

A brothel in Berlin is offering cyclists and users of public transportation a 5-euro discount on services in hope of, um, stimulating business.

Now, I'm torn on this one. My North American feminist roots have a problem with any form of prostitution, because, as far as I know, it's seldom--if ever--a woman's choice to do such work. However, this article says that "prostitution is legal in Germany where 200,000 prostitutes and those working in registered brothels have the same labour rights as any other workers."

So, prostitutes in registered brothels have the same labour rights as welders or nurses? Wow. I don't know what to think of that. I think I'd have to talk to some of these workers directly to feel confident that they're happy in that line of work.

Anyway, none of this changes the fact that this brothel is giving cyclists some, um, love.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Women love cyclists

Yup, it's true! "In a survey commissioned by this week’s Cycle Show," women said that they were more attracted to fans of cycling than to fans of any other sport. (The source of the survey doesn't sound terribly neutral, but I'll let that slide.)

My favourite quotation from this article is this: "Whilst cyclists were most frequently described as ‘kind’, ‘considerate’ and ‘intelligent’; the majority of women questioned felt that football fans were typically ‘aggressive’, ‘selfish’ and ‘proud.’"

So, really, no matter how many reasons people cite when they write negatively about cyclists (usually using flawed logic and even more flawed grammar), this one reason trumps them all. Well, for people who enjoy positive attention from women, anyway.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Garance Doré loves cyclists (submitted by Catherine)

Yup, Garance Doré is a blogger who is très Française. She adores cyclists. Well, actually, she adores "cool girls on bikes". I'm not terribly concerned with how cool someone is. But I certainly share Ms. Doré's fondness for people on bicycles!

Here's an excerpt from her blog post on the awesomeness (her word is "coolitude") of bikes:

- You can do everything on your bike… Talk on the phone, Google a restaurant, eat a sandwich, hold an umbrella in the rain (EVERYONE does that. It’s impressive.), CHANGE YOUR SHOES WHILE PEDDLING, TAKE A NAP. You can even do some streetstyle on them. The proof is right above with Elza. When we found her, we were riding our bikes. We followed her for a bit, like true crazies on bikes.
- You have to give a name to your bike. It’s essential and that’s just how it is. When I asked what Ramona had named hers, she couldn’t tell me. But I really wanted to believe this whole name thing… like really… Check out this photo below and you’ll see, see what I’m saying?

There he was, lost in a sea of others. When I saw him, I knew he was mine. My bike, my ally, my companion. I couldn’t not give him a name.
Chuck Bass. Yep. What better name could define the mix of purebred elegance and risqué style? Because I’m telling you, with Chuck Bass, I promise you that no matter where you go, you’ll never go unnoticed. Aaaah, yep, it’s gotta be the stretch limo.

Rock on, Garance!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Racingsquirrel loves cyclists

Many people commented on this lovely photo that Tina K posted on Flickr, titled "Ladies on Bikes". All of the comments were positive. However, Racingsquirrel cut straight to my heart, saying "I love cyclists. A good one of the two women on the old fashioned bikes. I like how they are riding into the photo and have the relief and clock directly above them. A nice frame"

Way to spread the love!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kangsta loves cyclists 

"kangsta" says:

"there is a group of about 15-20 cyclists in Houston that think it's a good idea to wait til about 530pm on weekdays and ride down Washington Ave in rush hour, taking up an entire lane.

I love cyclists"

Right on, kangsta! So do I!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Chicago loves cyclists

The City of Chicago wants people to ride bikes. And they know that to ride a bike for any utilitarian purpose, one must be able to park their bike securely and safely (and preferably easily) near their destination.

So the City of Chicago is installing lots of bike racks for people to park their bikes securely. AND... they've set up a website that tracks the installing of the bike racks.

The intro text on the site says "Here, you can explore bike rack installations in Chicago in various ways. You can use 'Search near an address' to find bike rack installations near any specific block or neighborhood, and the various filters below to explore the information in many different ways."

To me, the most useful way seems to be the map feature, into which one can enter a specific address to see where bike racks are located in the area. That way a cyclist doesn't have to ride around looking for a place to park! Yay!

They also list a chronological history of the racks they've installed, so you can follow the process that way too.

Check it out: