Saturday, February 27, 2010

cho_baka loves cyclists

A blogger gave a very short and heartwarming little story at

"Saturday I rode [my road bike] 46 miles, to and fro Valley Forge. What a workout. But it was good, and I'm excited to do it again. Tomorrow I'll try to ride 25 to 30. Funny the things I'm realizing though: Saturday I blew a tube about 3 miles from anywhere, and me and Kent (a spanish teacher at my school) stared at each other dumbfounded. Luckily about 2/3 of cyclists are AWESOME and a guy (a bike angel?!) named Al, who seemed to know a bit of everything about bikes gave me one of his tubes. It was great."

Thanks for sharing, cho_baka!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Colorado loves cyclists

In August 2009, the American state of Colorado passed the "Bicycle Safety Act". Here are the main points of the Act:

  • Drivers must give cyclists at least 3 feet of space when passing or risk a $110 ticket.
  • Motorists are allowed to cross the centerline, when it’s safe to do so, in order to pass bicyclists.
  • Bicyclists may ride up to two abreast when not impeding the normal and reasonable movement of traffic.
  • Bicyclists must ride as far to the right of the roadway as is *safe*.
  • The bill makes throwing an object towards a bicyclist a class 2 misdemeanor and driving towards a bicyclist in a dangerous manner a careless driving offense.
  • The bill also makes it a class 1 petty offense for anyone to throw an object at or against any vehicle.
Well done, Colorado!

This coffee shop loves cyclists... or these cyclists love coffee

"Uphill Grind" is "a full service bicycle shop and a full service coffee shop, meeting the needs of all types of cyclists and coffee aficionados." Plus, they "are also avid supporters of the cycling community, including
the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin, Bombay Bicycle Club, Capital Off Road Pathfinders." Right on!

Now if only they'd tell us where they are!